The Grandeur of the Acropolis

Columns of the Parthenon, which was built in the 5th century BC.

The Acropolis, perched on a rocky hilltop above the bustle of Athens, is one of the grandest historical sites that I have had to opportunity to visit.   I’m sharing a few photos from my 2012 visit in response to the Weekly Photo Challenge: Grand.  If you have never had the opportunity to experience the grandeur of the Acropolis, you can take a virtual tour here.  Happy Sunday!

View of the Acropolis from the Temple of Olympian Zeus. Construction on this temple began in the 6th century BC.
The porch of the Caryatids on the south side of the Erechtheion.


The Sacred Olive Tree on the north side of the Erechteion.  It is said to be a descendant of the olive tree that Athena gave to the ancient Greeks, causing them to name their city “Athens” in her honor.  Every invader has cut it down, but every time someone has saved a sprig to replant later.

11 thoughts on “The Grandeur of the Acropolis

    1. Tina, I hope you can visit! These pictures certainly don’t do justice to the sense of history that you get when you walk around the Acropolis! It was rainy the day I visited last year and there were very few other people. I hope to go back with my family some day. Thanks for your comment! Jennifer


  1. Pingback: Photo Project “52 Bolivian Sundays” ['Grand'] | 3rdculturechildren

    1. Wouldn’t it be great if we could see it then? It has undergone so much damage over the years under various occupations, but it is still so beautiful. It’s hard to imagine how impressive it was more than 2000 years ago! Thanks for your comment! Jennifer


  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Grand (1) | Through the Eye of Bastet

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challange: Grand | Words 'n Pics

  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Grand | Joe's Musings

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