“20 minutes of action” for you means a lifetime of hell for her

“Where do I start? It goes from worse to intolerable, including treating you, a convicted sex offender, with kid gloves; inflaming the excuse-the-rapist/blame-the-victim mentality; refusing accountability and making excuses; and favoring violent perpetrators lucky enough to have the “right” skin color, privilege, and athletic skills.

Unfortunately, in our work to make the world a better, safer place for women, we at The Advocates for Human Rights all too often experience the travesties and miscarriages of justice such as those rife in the your case.”

2 thoughts on ““20 minutes of action” for you means a lifetime of hell for her

  1. Pingback: “20 minutes of action” for you means a lifetime of hell for her — The Human Rights Warrior | thedirtydee

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