A Mother’s Love is a Force of Nature

Mother and daughter in Nepal

There are more than 2 billion mothers in the world today by some estimates. In my travels, I have seen the special role that mothers play in making the world a better place for all children.

A mother’s love is a force of nature, whether making sacrifices to ensure that her daughter is able to get an education or fighting for justice for their children. The mothers of the disappeared (ANFASEP) in Ayacucho, Peru lost their sons during the long, violent conflict in Peru.   For nearly 30 years, these women have been trying to find out who killed their sons and where their remains are.  

Mothers of the Disappeared in Peru
Mothers of the Disappeared in Peru

With their love, mothers are changing the world – one kid at a time.

Me with my daughter in Norway.

Happy Mother’s Day – and thank you – to each of you mothers!

6 thoughts on “A Mother’s Love is a Force of Nature

      1. Hey reading another book now that made me think of you. It is called “Zeitoun” and set in New Orleans after the Hurricane. Have you read it yet? I must drop it off for you if not.


  1. I think it is beautiful when mothers are so devoted to their children. Even the mothers who lost their sons haven’t given up on trying to find out who killed their sons. I just wanted to say that i wishI had a mother who was so devoted and would go to any lengths to make sure her child isn’t hurt. Sometimes the damage is done directly in the home and their is no one to protect you from the abuse that is going on. It definitely changes your perspective and how you view the world.


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