One Day in Zanzibar

House of Wonders and Stone Town waterfront, Zanzibar
House of Wonders and Stone Town waterfront, Zanzibar

A little more than 10 years ago, I had a rare moment of clarity.  I was sitting with my second child, who was 9 months old, on my lap while my 2-year-old danced and swayed around me.  Everyone else in the Mommy and Me class was singing – with gusto – the Barney song “I Love You”.  Glancing at the clock, I realized that the week before – at exactly this time – I was being interviewed live on national TV in Peru about that country’s truth and reconciliation commission.

The stark contrast made me realize that I had chosen a life in which there might never really be a “typical” day.   Setting aside the insipidity of Barney, I realized that these small moments with my young sons were as important and valuable as the other, more high-profile moments of my career, which often takes me to exotic locales.  I learned not to compare my days.  Not to sift through the experiences of each day and measure the worth of one against another, but to see them all as a whole.  To acknowledge that each endeavor for work and for family gives me strength for the other. To realize that I am fortunate to have these varied experiences, which, woven together form the rich tapestry of my life.

So for the Weekly Photo Challenge: A Day in the Life, I am choosing to share one day that I recently spent in Zanzibar for work.  As I write this, my daughter is sitting beside me, looking at the photos and talking about them with me.  One day in Zanzibar, one day of spring break at home. Days and experiences, knitted together – so many days to be thankful for!


(See more Weekly Photo Challenge entries here.)

21 thoughts on “One Day in Zanzibar

    1. Thanks! We have figured out a pretty good work/home life balance for our family, but it definitely works best when I keep the overseas trips to 7-10 days. My kids are older now, too, and will use facetime and g-chat to talk to me pretty much whenever they want to. (I do love that photo from the deck of the ferry, too! 🙂 )Thanks so much for your comment!


  1. Pingback: Weekly Phoneography Challenge: A Day in the Life | wholeyjeans

    1. It was a gorgeous sunset – especially since we were at the start of the rainy season and the day began with pouring rain! People were so very friendly in Tanzania. I hope you get a chance to visit Zanzibar one day.


  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge:{ A Day in My Life } | lifebydmagdalene

  3. Pingback: Zanzibar | ArchangelTravel

  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: The Colors of Cameroon | The Human Rights Warrior

    1. Oops! Sorry I missed your comment, Nicole! You would absolutely love Zanzibar – there’s so much history. And I didn’t even make it to any of the beaches! I definitely want to go back one day. Your life is pretty exciting, too. I sure wish I was getting on that plane to Paris with you! Have a good trip!


  5. Pingback: A Coffee in Zanzibar | ArchangelTravel

  6. Pingback: A Coffee in Zanzibar | Archangel Travel

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