Unexpected: Weekly Photo Challenge

"Munchkin Village"My daughter discovered this unexpected “Munchkin Village” in our backyard last spring.    There’s so much beauty in the imagination of a child!

This photo reminds me of something Henry David Thoreau once wrote,

“It’s not what you look at that matters, it’s what you see.”

This post is a response to the Weekly Photo Challenge: Unexpected.

9 thoughts on “Unexpected: Weekly Photo Challenge

    1. Well said! The other thing that makes little mushrooms like this so remarkable is that they can spring up literally overnight. These beauties were not there the day before. After several days of rain, they just appeared – like magic!


  1. Pingback: NaBloPoMo 24. WP Photo Challenge: Unexpected at Church | JaniceHeck

  2. Pingback: In the middle of the night… | Words 'n Pics

  3. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: unexpected « blogagaini

  4. Pingback: Unexpected photographs | Processing the life

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