Adventure on an African Road

Motorcycle taxis speed toward Douala, Cameroon's major port and commercial center


Motorcycle taxis speed toward Douala, Cameroon’s major port and commercial center.

Just getting around can be an adventure in and of itself in many parts of the world.  In Cameroon, the motorcycle taxis are used by many people to get around the city of Douala.  Most motorcycle taxis carry two passengers, but a few times I saw three passengers.  I took this photo from the back of a taxi speeding in the opposite direction.  There were hundreds of motorcycle taxis heading into the city, so I just snapped a couple photos at random.  I was shocked that this photo captured the scene as well as it did!


This post is a response to the Weekly Photo Challenge: Adventure.  Follow the link to see more entries!

13 thoughts on “Adventure on an African Road

  1. Pingback: Photo Challenge: Adventure! | tnkerr-Writing Prompts and Practice

  2. Pingback: Behind the Mirror [PHOTO CHALLENGE] | Ramisa the Authoress

  3. It’s surprising and fascinating at the same time how people manage to find solutions even with limited resources. They are not bothered by safety rules or bad conditions of roads because they value what they have. Love the simplicity.

    Followed your blog, Jennifer, as soon as I saw your blog’s title 🙂


  4. Pingback: Elephant Bath | rfljenksy – Practicing Simplicity

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