The Hue of You: Choose a Job You Love

Open family law case files at the Legal and Human Rights Centre in
Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

I’m sharing this photo of hundreds of open family law case files at  at the Legal and Human Rights Centre in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania in response to the Weekly Photo Challenge: The Hue of You.  Two LHRC attorneys are responsible for all of these open cases.

The work of a human rights warrior can be hard, but it is definitely ALWAYS interesting – and colorful!

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

― Confucius

20 thoughts on “The Hue of You: Choose a Job You Love

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: The Hue in You (Canal aka Ripples) | What's (in) the picture?

  2. Pingback: Photo Project “52 Bolivian Sundays” [week 42, 'a Hue of Color, from Tarija'] | 3rdculturechildren

  3. The husband of one of my sister’s closest friends works for a human rights organization and, I believe, he is also a lawyer. It must be incredibly engrossing work.


  4. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: The Hue of You | wholeyjeans

  5. Pingback: Shades of Color | Processing the life

  6. Those bright file folders look so cheerful sitting on the shelf, but I imagine they contain some rather dark stories; each waiting and hoping for a bright and happy ending.

    Thanks to you for sharing this photo. Thanks to you and all who work for justice


    1. In truth, when I see these files I also think of the people and the stories they contain. Many of these family law files are cases involving women who are seeking the right to own property, obtain custody of their children, end a violent relationship. Yet each file represents a bright spark of hope, because the individual is taking action and receiving help from LHRC. Thanks for your insightful comment!


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