13 thoughts on “Silent Sunday 9.8.13 – Bhaktapur

    1. I did climb the stairs of the Nyatapola Temple. From the top you have a great view of the square and the rooftops of the old Newari city of Bhaktapur. There are always a lot of tourists, but I managed to take this picture with only a few tourists in it. Thanks for your comment!


  1. Very cool, loved the scale of the image you presented and the color

    I’m inviting you to join us for Travel Photo Mondays, the link runs all week so I hope you can join us for the next installment?


      1. I didn’t mean to be nit picky. But looking at my comment it may have seemed that way. I totally understand. My wife climbed the stairs of the Great Pyramid in Giza and I had about 20 tourist in the shot. 🙂

